Always walking by

Wrinkled old lady –  tough as nails of course!

She lives in her silence, as deaf as an old post.

Her eyes light up with brightness

when she sees me walking by.

She’s eager just to chatter, about being all alone.

She has a glimmer in her eye and speaks with great resolve,

“there’s no one out there anymore who cares enough to stay.”

She looks me straight and says with sorrow in her voice,

“its been a month or two, since you have come to say hello.”

And I with twinkle in my eye, say “no – t’was last week that I came by.”

And, with a slap upon my arm she quite agrees with me,

but then says -“no its others who have quite forgotten me.”

“I’m all alone, and if I died, there’d be no one who did care.”

And then I say, “I’d come by and miss my confidant.”

She laughs and pokes at me with her infectious grin,

and says “I know you wouldn’t cause I’m really all alone.”

And then I leave and say goodbye, I must be moving on.

She hugs me close and says quite loud -“when will you come again.”

“I hope its not a month or two or next year even worse.”

I say “I’ll come again – cause I’m always walking by.”

Author – Bill Tidsbury


Noise drowns out pain

when heart’s cry howls in the night.

Running fiercely centres focus

when confusion reigns supreme.

Weeping wildly brings release

when hope lies dying on the floor.

Anger’s blossom scatters wide

all of fear’s scary horde.

None of these can bring me life

when all I need is to be held tight.


Held in arms that do enfold

as I’m drawn into love’s abode.

Gently covered in the dark

as ears sort out what’s truth.

Touch that says I’m always here

as song brings me gentle peace.

Shielded from fear’s sharpened sword

as eyes speak of grief that’s shared.

Presence that sits in wordless care

becomes Life shared – a gift most rare.

Author – Bill Tidsbury

Lifted on a whimsey

Bracing, for the impact as the surging sea explodes,

feet planted firm as I lean into the foam.

Smashed by waves that sweep me off my feet,

I tumble and I even find, gritty sand crunching ‘neath my teeth!


In a vision of the sea, I sense change o’er taking me.

The crashing waves I couldn’t withstand

I danced upon with joy’s élan!

So laughing free, I played with glee -waves bowing to authority.


Lifted on a whimsey, I’m racing fleet and sure,

my toes find their purchase as the foaming waters churn.

My heart is delighted as I dance upon the foam,

I never could have dreamed – the grace of me transformed.

Author – Bill Tidsbury

Time to grow

Grinning eyes,  explosive grin,

she sure knows how to wiggle in!

Joy that’s absurd, bold as a crow,

she’s a child that breaks the mould.


Saddened heart, tough as nails,

this little girl can make others wail.

Shrieking for rights, ready to fight,

She’s got quite the punch – a tiny might!


She’’s really too young, to know what she knows,

she’s already seen hell and knows how life goes.


My smile it lights, her heart and ignites,

the passionate flame of hope come to life.

Fresh wind released, hand holding mine,

we walk out a moment – a gift in kind.


Grinning eyes,  explosive grin,

she will some day be able to win!

Joy that’s absurd, bold as a crow –

a heart has been given, time to grow.

Author – Bill Tidsbury

A young heart gasps

A young heart gasps in silent shame,

as through her hands a life did end.

She moved some sheets,

they’d been there long – the gecko felt home was secure.

But in that moment unawares,

2 small eggs they rolled right out.

They smashed upon the concrete floor,

so that their life was dashed – an unintended consequence!

Yet – there with gentle hands and sadness clear,

she picked them up with grief that 2 small lives had never been.

Some are strong and feel no shame

to end the lives of others even when there’s pain.

But – there are others  who’re true,

who see the delicacy of precious life

and seek to care and lift it up,

so that all may see its flare.

Author – Bill Tidsbury

Resonance gathers joy

As I settle, I reach out sensing.

Tendrils drift in fresh cascading air.

Updraft arches as heart longings stir beneath a gaze that’s so soft –

I would swear it has no substance.

Yet as I dwell within these quiet depths,

I find I’m crushed under the weight of that which spins beauty.

As I gasp,

I choose to settle deeper,

not caring if I rise again.

I long to know unity that defies separation.

As a shard in an infinite kaleidoscope

I drift into wonder as I settle deeper into peace,

and, the certainty that I am known, treasured and beheld.

My uniqueness defies unity

and as it rises to celebrate the grandness of my own identity,

I find I echo that which only could be You – the source.

As the resonance gathers joy, I find again

I’m one before I was ever other than You.

Author – Bill Tidsbury